Please Help Us Build Sustainable, Malawian Run, Schools and Libraries Here
Building Malawi has developed has successfully built 2 Schools and 4 Libraries in Lilongwe, Malawi and, having bought a 22 acre site in the city, is now working to develop Lingadzi Academy - the largest sports complex in the country. This first of its kind sports complex includes the Grace Hadman Netball Court.
Upon completion all projects become financially self sufficient. Our main aim is to create facilities that become sustainable for the future that do not rely on our continued support.
100% of the money that we receive goes directly to our projects. We have Minimal UK Running Costs (unavoidable bank charges) and these are not funded by donations you make). We believe in being transparent with our donors and can tell you exactly where your money has gone.
We are actively looking for volunteers to help us in Malawi. We have a partnership with Swiss charity Play Football Malawi who run things at Lingadzi Academy and will welcome you in the country and make the most of your talents coaching sport, teaching, playing, building or gardening. Learn about Volunteering in Malawi here.
We aim to raise £10,000 per year so any contribution (time, money or sports equipment) makes a big difference!
Click on one of the links below to learn more about how you can help us:
1) Latest Project - Lingadzi Academy Community Sports School
2) How You Can Help - Fun ways you can help
3) Visit Malawi - Free, Easy to Arrange Volunteering in Malawi
4) Contact Us - Ask Any Questions - About Anything!
5) Share us with your friends - Help us generate interest:
(All of these things really help us connect with you all so thank you! We will keep you up to date with our projects, you can unsubscribe any time and we will NEVER share your information or ask you for any money!)
Quick Links to important areas of our site:
Free, Easy to Arrange, Volunteering Opportunities in Malawi
How You Can Help us - It's Easy and Fun!
Any Questions? Contact Us Direct Here
Follow us on Facebook and see photos of out projects here
Help us improve the educational and sporting opportunities in Malawi by purchasing one of the Charity Gifts below (please scroll down to the bottom of the page to see these).
We are currently focussed on developing a community sports school in the west of lilongwe called Lingadzi Academy Community Sports School. We have a massive 22 acres of land where we have: sports fields for netball, volleyball and football that are free to use, a community library and a playground. In the future we will also build a school and a community hall on the plot. Hundreds of children play here every day. Please help us support this community!
We welcome volunteers to Malawi to see our projects and offer your expertise. Everyone has something to offer and through volunteer work in Africa with Building Malawi you will learn infinitely more than it is possible to teach. Our projects are focused on buildings for schools and libraries and we also run a community sports outreach programme. Past volunteers that have worked for us in Malawi, Africa have built buildings, taught in a school, coached football and netball and planted trees. We welcome your input and place you in a project that best suits your skills. Best of all we do not charge you a penny. You simply have to cover your expenses. Contact us for more information.
We are a UK based charity whose members have a strong belief in education. Since we began we have built two successful schools in Lilongwe, Malawi and we are now working on the largest and most ambitious project yet; a community sports school. This community sports school will first and foremost offer a high quality education and secondly it will have sports facilities that will be available for people from all over the city. Please check out out plans for this new Malawi School on the community sports school page. Learn more about us. See the inspiring testimonials here.
Watch this video about our latest project Lingadzi Academy Community Sports School and then contact us to help:
Hundreds of Photos from Lingadzi Academy Now On Facebook!
Friday 14th December 2012
Hi everyone, Building Malawi has been extremely fortunate to welcome many visitors and volunteers to Lingadzi Academy in Malawi. These wonderful folk have posted photos to our Facebook Page. Please check them out here: Be sure to like us on Facebook too! We would love it if you could visit Lingadzi Academy. We do not charge our volunteers. For more information check out our Volunteers page here: Best wishes from the entire team at Building Malawi! [caption id="attachment_103" align="alignnone" width="301" caption="Kids at Lingadzi Academy earlier this year"][/caption]
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